How to do Islamic finance in the USA
Join us for an eye-opening analysis of this vibrant market: from cross-border investment, banking, funds and Sukuk. Learn how you can do all of this now.
Established in 1987, the world's largest Islamic Equity Fund is US based.
Islamic Cross border investment into US real estate and private equity started since the 80s. The market has evolved to offer tax efficient investment using offshore and onshore leverage structures.
Conventional banks in the US may offer Murabahah (installment sale) and Ijarah (lease to own) under the existing banking regulation.
The first experiment for Islamic housing finance in the US was done in the 80s. It was not successful, but was filled with lessons for future players. Find out why they got into trouble.
Freddie Mac supports Murabahah home finance with banks and Musharakah Mutanaqisah with mortgage companies. This underpins the USD10billion Islamic home finance market.
A number of Islamic products in the US took inspiration from existing practices - redeemable ground leases, real estate co-ownership and profit sharing deposits!
Real estate foreclosures, Sukuk defaults, and cross border Islamic bankruptcies have all been tested in US courts.
Filled with insider practical tips, you will identify opportunities in the US market and extract lessons for implementation in other markets.
How was this course born?
The perception is that there is not much development of Islamic Finance in the US. In reality, the US is a vibrant market for Islamic Finance. However, there is very few comprehensive analyses of the market. We often ask, when did this happen, who did that, how come they could do it,… and many more questions.
For forty years, our group CEO, Mr Abdulkader Thomas, has pioneered Islamic Finance including the US market. He has been involved in many of the stories that we recount in this course.
He was responsible for shepherding the first US banking regulatory approvals of Ijarah and and Murabahah. He also secured regulatory approval for an Islamic profit sharing deposit to be applied in the US under FDIC regulation. Abdulkader also structured the first REIT of REITs facilitating Muslim investment in listed US REITs whilst complying with Shariah. Besides the US, he was also involved in the UK and Middle East as a banker.
When we realized that he had the answers because he was there, we wanted to know if the story had been told? Had it been told in a way that allows the listener to take away practical ideas and put them to work.
When we found out that the story wasn’t out, we convinced him to share with us the story of Islamic Finance in America in a user friendly, ready to apply style.
The US legal and regulatory frameworks are remarkably flexible. Without changing laws, thoughtful bankers have put Shariah principles to work in the American context.
You will examine practical applications with references and examples.
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How the System Works - Watch this to get the full benefit
Introduction - Islamic Finance in the US
FREE PREVIEWPhase 1 Handout
Phase 1: Early Domestic Exploration
Recommended Readings
Phase 1 Quiz
FREE PREVIEWPhase 2 Handout
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Real Estate
2.3 Private Equity
Recommended Readings
Phase 2 Quiz
FREE PREVIEWPhase 3 Handout
3.1 Muslim Savings & Investment (MSI)
3.2 United Bank of Kuwait (UBK) - Predecessor to Ahli United Bank (AUB)
3.3 Bank of Whittier (BoW)
3.4 Guidance Financial Group (Guidance)
3.5 Summary
3.6 Challenges
Recommended Readings
Phase 3 Quiz
FREE PREVIEWPhase 4 Handout
4.1 Rule 1 - Permission to Follow Local Customs
4.2 Rule 2- Redeemable Lease (Ijarah) Under Bank Mortgaging Power
4.3 Rule 3 - Murabahah Under Bank Installment Bank Power
4.4 Rule 4 - Construction Extension from Rule 2 (Ijarah)
4.5 Rule 5 - Profit Sharing Deposits Already Exist
4.6 Summary
4.7 Key Issues
Recommended Readings
Phase 4 Quiz
FREE PREVIEWPhase 5 Handout
5.1 Equity Capital Market
5.2 Debt Capital Market
5.3 Debt Capital Market Issues
Recommended Readings
Phase 5 Quiz
Check out a snaphot of one of our Modules: Phase 5 Capital Markets